“Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.” Benjamin Disraeli

Life is a combination of good and bad. Sometimes, things are really bad for a really long time. Others they are really good for a really long time. And usually, there’s a lot of bad and good intertwined together. I know I’ve had a lot of bad. But, I also like to think that I’ve had a lot of good too. The problem is the fact that the bad seems so much worse than the good.

I’m fighting with myself lately. It’s hard to take a step back and notice all of the good things going when it seems like the bad is never going to end. I’ve had times where I’m convinced that I’m not supposed to be happy. I’ve had moments where I think my life is going to consist of nothing more than bad things happening to me. I thought things were going to get really good. Then the bad reared its ugly head again. And I got upset. I got discouraged.

But I made a decision. Even though bad things are happening doesn’t mean good things can’t happen too. So I enjoyed the best day I’ve had in years. I experienced a moment where I knew things were going to change. I knew that I made a good decision, and I knew that I could be happy and I would be happy regardless of all the bad. Don’t get me wrong–the bad still gets to me. It wears me down. But I refuse to let myself ignore all of the good that’s happening right now.

And I think maybe that’s a pretty big step in life. Trying to figure out how to balance the good and the bad, and keep yourself vested in what really matters. Because it’s so easy to slip up a little and nosedive into the self-pity and misery. Maybe you have to work to be happy. After all, the things that are really worth it don’t come easy.

“Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.” Benjamin Disraeli